Wednesday 1 May 2013

Tiers of Truths Exhibition Sliema

The Girl In The Red Coat
Rupert Cefai
mixed media on canvas

We see colour ,tone and shape
I like this painting, overall it looks blurry and washed away but by doing that the artist made focus on the main subject 'the girl in the red coat', I like the cloudy image I think it is a very cool modern paining.

The Little Rascals
Rupert Cefai
Mixed Media

We see colour,shape and  repetition.
I like this painting, the repetition is in the background looks like a zebra crossing, the patchy painting gives a interesting effect and the focus is on the main subjects the 3 boys.

Ridi Pagliaccio

Rupert Cefai
Mixed Media

We see line, colour and shape.
Not my favourite of painting by this artist it feel cold, sad and gloomy.

Alice ?

Rupert Cefai
Mixed Media

We see curved lines, colour and shape
I do like this painting but it still gives of a sad vibe, the girl seems lost and the other rabbit characters seem to be all over the place very busy.

I am interested to try this washed painting technique myself.

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