Romanticism, the movement lasted
from 1789 to about 1832 making a time in history where the set beliefs of
society and their life structure were being rid down, moving away from the recycled
ideas handed down by the church and focus was moved onto the personal building
of experience and knowledge on the world around us
Literature from this movement really
look at dream and personal understandings personal views, there was a growing
suspicion regarding the church and a
turn towards pantheism (the belief that god is a part of the universe and not
separate) the concept of the sublime an emotional thrill combining awe,
magnificence and horror was introduced .A time where emotions and personal
views/feeling where superior to logic and analysis.
Caspar David Friedrich
1818 94.8 x 74.8 Kunsthalle Hamburg
information :Romanticism Study Guide & Homework Help - 2013.Romanticism Study Guide & Homework Help - [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 April 2013].
image: . 2013. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 April 2013].
image: . 2013. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 April 2013].
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